Flipping through the locally published Next Magazine, we found our Shogun website featured in one of their articles about fireworks! Roughly translated, it is mentioned that fireworks are illegal in Hong Kong, but it is legal in the US and Europe. Before you go there to legally shoot some fireworks, you can click and view the videos of the fireworks on the Shogun website before buying. The website lists all the countries the fireworks are sold including opening hours - very convenient.
On October 1st, China celebrated its 60th anniversary of Communist Rule. In Hong Kong, the day ended with a fireworks display with a budget of US$400,000, in the harbour. Apparently "more than 31,888 fire shells" were discharged in the 23-minute display off 4 barges. The display was sponsored by the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.
As promoted by the Hong Kong SAR Government, "the fireworks display consists of nine scenes of different themes. The first and second scene features colourful and spectacular fireworks to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and also the pride of China. In scene seven, there will be smiley and heart-shaped fireworks to show the spirit of Hong Kong people.The fireworks display reaches its climax at the last scene with fast and rhythmic firing of shells displaying the Chinese characters for "China 60", wishing all the best to the home country."
Shogun attended the NFA Expo earlier in September. The National Fireworks Association is an organization composed of individuals and companies dedicated to the safe use of fireworks. The Expo is held every year during the month of September. The next expo will be in Springfield, Missouri ini 2010. See you there! For more details, go to www.nationalfireworks.org.
Photo and Article from Hannover Marketing und Tourismus.
Hannover (ots) - Der 19. Internationale Feuerwerkswettbewerb ist gestern (19.9.) mit dem Beitrag des türkischen Teams "Galaxy Havaifisek" vor der barocken Kulisse der Herrenhäuser Gärten in Hannover zu Ende gegangen. Insgesamt fünf Teams haben sich an unterschiedlichen Samstagen in diesem Sommer dem beliebten Wettbewerb gestellt und vor mehreren Tausend Zuschauern neue Maßstäbe in der Kunst der Pyrotechnik gesetzt. Veranstalter dieser attraktiven Veranstaltung ist die Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH (HMTG).
The 19th International Fireworks Competition is completed (19.9) with the contribution of the Turkish Team Galaxy Havifisek show set against the backdrop of the baroque Herrenhausen Gardens in Hannover. A total of five teams have participated on different Saturdays this summer in this popular competition, and set a new standard in the art of pyrotechnics, in front of thousands of viewers. Organizers of this event is Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH (HMTG).
Beim gestrigen Finale konnte sich das chinesische Team "Vulcan Pyrotechnics" mit seiner herausragenden Präsentation gegen seine Konkurrenten aus Frankreich, Polen, Malta und der Türkei als Sieger durchsetzen. Den Pyrotechnikern aus China gelang es mit einer eigens für den Wettbewerb entwickelten Choreografie das Publikum im Großen Garten Herrenhausen zu verzaubern, die geforderten Wettbewerbsbedingungen harmonisch zu verbinden und damit die hochrangige, unabhängige Fachjury zu überzeugen.
In the end, it was the Chinese team, "Vulcan Pyrotechnics" with his outstanding presentation against its rivals from France, Poland, Malta and Turkey, who came out as the winner. The pyrotechnicians from China were able to enchant the audience with a specially designed choreography for the competition in the Herrenhausen Gardens to harmoniously combine the required conditions of competition and thus convince the independent professional jury.
Die Wettbewerbsbedingungen für den Internationalen Feuerwerkswettbewerb sind klar definiert: Das Feuerwerk dauert insgesamt 25 Minuten und muss einen Pflichtteil beinhalten, bevor die Feuerwerkskünstler in der Kür ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen können. Die Pyrotechniker orientieren sich bei Ihrer Inszenierung an dem barocken Garten, die Anzahl der Bodenelemente ist festgelegt, doch sonst sind ihrer Kreativität, Ihrer Musikauswahl und Ihrer Bildersprache nur wenige Grenzen gesetzt. Die Jury bewertet neben dem Gesamteindruck vor allem die handwerkliche Realisierung, die Fehlerfreiheit sowie die Vielfalt der Effekte und die Interpretation der Musik.
The conditions of competition for the International Fireworks Competition is clearly defined: The fireworks will take a total of 25 minutes and must include a compulsory part prior to the freestyle part, where artists can let their creativity run wild. The pyrotechnicians must orientate themselves with the presentation of the Baroque garden, the number of ground elements is fixed, but otherwise their creativity, their choice of music and their imagery is unlimited. The jury assessed from the overall impression of mainly craftsmanship, the accuracy and the diversity of effects and to the interpretation of the music.
"Vulcan Pyrotechnics" ist ein hoch motiviertes chinesisches Feuerwerksteam, das mit originellen und innovativen Darbietungen Feuerwerkskunst auf höchstem Niveau präsentiert. Der Firmengründer, Ewan Cheung, begann seine Karriere als Feuerwerker bereits 1962 und gilt als einer der Pioniere in der Entwicklung moderner Feuerwerksindustrie in China. Er ist mit verantwortlich dafür, dass chinesische Feuerwerkskörper heute weltweit bei nahezu jedem Feuerwerk dazu gehören. 1974 gründete er "Vulcan Pyrotechnics" zusammen mit Joe Wan, dem zweiten Kopf hinter dem Unternehmen aus Hongkong. Heute gehören bereits zwölf eigene Produktionsstätten zum Unternehmen und mittlerweile über vierzig Partnerfabriken versorgen die internationale Nachfrage an chinesischer Pyrotechnik von höchster Qualität.
Vulcan Pyrotechnics is a highly motivated Chinese fireworks team, with original and innovative performances in fireworks art presented at the highest level. The company's founder, Ewan Cheung, began his career as a pyrotechnician in 1962 and is considered as one of the pioneers in the development of the modern fireworks industry in China. He is responsible for the fact that Chinese fireworks are used as it is today worldwide in almost every fireworks. In 1974 he founded "Vulcan Pyrotechnics" with Joe Wan, the second head behind the company from Hong Kong. Today, already twelve separate production facilities are part of the company and now more than forty partner factories to supply the highest quality of fireworks internationally.
Mit wenigen Punkten Abstand landete auf Platz Zwei das Team "Intermède" aus Frankreich und auf dem dritten Platz "Surex" aus Polen.
With just a few points behind landed in second place, the team "Intermède" from France and in third place "Surex" from Poland.
Hans Christian Nolte, Geschäftsführer der HMTG, freut sich über den großen Erfolg der Veranstaltung: "Die mittlerweile weltberühmten Herrenhäuser Gärten in Hannover sind eine fabelhafte Kulisse für diesen einzigartigen Wettbewerb. Die exzellenten Feuerwerker und das vielseitige Rahmenprogramm locken jedes Jahr Tausende Besucher nach Hannover. Wir laden herzlich dazu ein dieses attraktive Event kennenzulernen."
Hans Christian Nolte, director of HMTG, is pleased with the success of the event: "The now world-famous gardens, stately homes in Hannover are a fabulous backdrop for this unique competition. The excellent pyrotechnics, and the versatile program each year attract thousands of visitors to Hannover. We cordially invite you to discover this attractive event. "
Die Herrenhäuser Gärten sind der touristische Publikumsmagnet Hannovers. Den Großen Garten, ein Prunkstück barocker Gartenanlagen, verdankt die Landeshauptstadt Hannover der Kurfürstin Sophie von der Pfalz. Inspiriert durch den Sonnenkönig Ludwig XIV. ließ sie den Garten Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts nach französischem Vorbild anlegen und machte ihn zu ihrem Lebenswerk.
The Herrenhausen Gardens is a big tourist attraction of Hannover. The Big Gardens, a jewel of baroque gardens, owes its existence to Princess Sophia of Hannover. Inspired by King Ludwig XIV, she built the garden at the end of the 17th Century after the French model and made it her life's work.
Das 20. Jubiläum der Veranstaltung startet am 15. Mai 2010. Die weiteren Termine: 29. Mai, 21. August, 4. September und 18. September 2010. Weitere Informationen unter: www.hannover.de/feuerwerk
The 20th Anniversary of the event starts on 15 May 2010. The other dates are: 29 May, 21 August, 4th September and 18 September 2010. For more information: www.hannover.de/fireworks
Our aluminium racks and the 13 DIY plywood racks made by Darryl, Christian and Ricky.
19 wheels sitting on 4m wooden poles painted by ....
Mark, May, Denny, Ignatius, Ricky, Joe, Roelof, Steven ...
everyone trying to get 51 x 4m wooden poles into a packed trailer ...
31 Mosaic Poles + Danny all laid down
31 Mosaic Poles all lined up
Getting ready ...
10pm ...
RC0 candles with 50 lycopodium mines ...
Vulcan Cut Glass and Bengal Flames on ground
Vulcan Pixie Dust with Stained Glass
Peacock Silver Bees
Woohoo! The Mosaic Wall worked! All 31 (-1) of them!!
Finale ...
6 months of preparation, 4 weeks of production, 2 days of set up = 20 minutes display and loads of fun had by all!!
Thank you to Ernst Rohr GmBH for the opportunity to participate in the Competition, Vulcan Golden Dragon and Vulcan Tong Tai Fireworks for making all the fireworks for the show, John Sagaria for show design & choreography and use of his Fireone system, John Werner for all the wheels, set pieces and gerb rack design, Darryl Fleming/Kimbolton Fireworks for loaning us their FireOne modules, and the incredible multi-lingual and multi-national crew: Arthur Buhler, Cindy Cheung, Roelof Dik, John Doty, Darryl Fleming, Pete Hengen, May Jian, Giles Keyser, Christian Neuhaus, John Sagaria, Ricky Tan, Danny van Leeuwin, Elwin van den Berg, Erik Vermeulen, John Werner, Mark Boeken, Joe Wan, Ignatius Wong, and Steven Wong.
Recently we got hold of some samples of "snaps". We were told they were really loud, as loud as firecrackers, so that piqued our interest.
On initial examination, they looked like firecracker tubes without a fuse. When we threw one onto the ground, boy it was loud and ours ears were ringing for several minutes.
So we decided to see what it was made of ....
To a regular person, the above photo doesn't mean much, just a bunch of crushed Chinese clay, right? Well, that is the biggest problem, whoever is producing this, transporting this and selling this, have no idea what they are handling. At least I hope not, because anyone who knows what this mixture really is, would not take this kind of risk.
By the way, the above mixture weighed in at 0.39g NEC per piece. That would make each carton at almost 3kg NEC. The composition in this "snap" is prohibited in the USA (and in almost all countries), except in poppers and pistol caps. The APA Standard 87-1 limits each each popper and pistol cap to 0.016g NEC per piece. It makes this "snap" 24 times more than what is in a popper and pistol cap.
All factories in Wanzai County have been ordered closed for inspection as a result of an accident in a fireworks factory last Tuesday on 7th May, 2009.
Below is article from www.chinaview.cn 2009-05-08
NANCHANG, May 7 (Xinhua) -- A total of three workers were killed and another four injured in a fireworks plant blast Thursday in east China's Jiangxi Province, local government said.
The explosion occurred at around 2:50 p.m. in Fuhao Fireworks Plant in Tanbu Town, Wanzai County, an official with the county information office said. Two died on the spot and one died in hospital. All the workers were locals.
The privately-run plant has all its production-related licenses, the official said, declining to give his name. The local government is investigating the accident.
This article is from the Banderas News - Puerto Vallarta's liveliest website! http://banderasnews.com/0904/nb-fireworks2009.htm
PV Int'l Fireworks Art Symposium Wrap-Up
If you missed the 11th International Symposium of Fireworks, which took place in Puerto Vallarta from April 20-24th, you can catch all of the highlights in this exclusive video provided by Willie and Rocio Flores and Ray Dion of PromoVision.
According to Fred Ward, the coordinator of the 11th International Symposium of Fireworks, which took place in Puerto Vallarta from April 20-24, 2009, had a record breaking number of participants, with 350 people from 33 countries making it the largest international gathering of the pyrotechnic industry since it's inception in Montreal in 1992.
Throughout the four-day event, the Puerto Vallarta Sheraton Buganvilias Resort and Convention Center served as a meeting point for fireworks manufacturers from all over the world to exchange the latest technologies and ideas with other members of the pyrotechnic industry, and gave Mexico's pyrotechnical showmen the chance to showcase their various disciplines and specialties.
Various product demonstrations and shows were open to the public during the four-day event, including traditional fireworks displays evoking Mexican fiestas and folklore presented by fireworks companies from several states in Mexico, including Jalisco, Tlaxcala and Mexico D.F., among others.
"Everyone was truly amazed by the skill and artistry of the Mexican fireworks industry, and I know that we will all leave Mexico with a deep appreciation and tremendous respect for the fireworks community here. It's just been a wonderful experience to bring everybody to Mexico. It was the first time for many people to come to Mexico, and I think that there isn't a better ambassador for the country than the people of Puerto Vallarta. It's just been a wonderful experience." Mr. Ward said.
There has been much talk lately about how the Shanghai Expo will impact on the shipment of fireworks. It is still early, and so far this is what we know. Shanghai has two ports: Yangshan and Waigaoqiao. Yangshan is far away from the city center and the Expo venue. Waigaoqiao is near the Expo venue. Most of the mother vessels for US shipments call Waigaoqiao and most of the shipments to Europe call Yangshan port. Right now, it is believed that shipments to the US starting early to mid April 2010 will be most affected by the Shanghai Expo, if Yangshan port will be closed for fireworks.
At present, the port of Zhaoqing is still being worked on. We have heard a handful of containers of fireworks have been successfully transshipped from Zhaoqing to Hong Kong, but up to this time has not been a smooth process.
There is also talk of Maersk working to open services from Wuzhou port in Guangxi for transshipment in Hong Kong.
Many ocean carriers are now having difficulties fillings up spaces on their vessel due to the economic downturn and are frequently changing their schedules and routing to avoid losses on each route. Maersk just announced as of mid May, they will cease services from Hong Kong to Tacoma and Seattle, and instead can only offer services from Shanghai to Tacoma and Seattle.
The International Symposium on Fireworks was held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico last week. With over 300 attendants from 30+ countries, and 10 fireworks shows over the course of the week, it was a fantastic symposium! The Mexican hosts did a great job organizing the event and showing everyone the unique style of Mexican fireworks, and the time and work involved in building their famous Castillos!!
We had a great time watching all the Castillos with their funky colours of blue, pink, red, white, yellow, purple, orange, aqua, pink glitter, white glitter and green glitters! The photos and videos don't come close to showing the actual colours or brightness of the lances. Almost all the time the colours are so bright that cameras have to be adjusted to its lowest exposure value (mine was -2.0)
The colours are so saturated and pure that it is hard to believe you are looking at something burning and not little Christmas lights! At the end, the lances usually turn into a blindingly white, green, aqua or pink strobe effect that has to be seen to be appreciated.
Monday 20th April Display by : Union de Pirotecnicos del Estado de Jalisco, Comision representativa del Estado de Michoacan, Comision Representativa del Estado de Guanajuato, Antonio Sonora Corona, Zacatecas. Type of Show: Traditional "Castillos de Morillo" plus Aerial Display
Girondolas with lances set up on the playground
More Castillos
View of all the Castillos ..
This was an amazing show, lasting over an hour with lots of mosaic walls, groovy wheels, girondolas and set pieces.
Tuesday 21st April Display by Pirotecnicos de Tultepec. Type of Show: Daylight Castillo
Helicopter on the top of the Castillo - it looks small in this photo, but after "landing" ...
this is how big it was! That's John Werner in the photo, with Phil Grucci and Tino Foti behind posing with the other helicopter.
Rows of rockets with colour smoke and whistles!
This was the only daytime display at the Symposium and it was truly unique. It lasted for about 20 minutes and was like watching a puppet show with plenty of surprises.
Tuesday 21st April Display by Pirotecnicos de Tultepec. Type of Show: Pyromuscial including Castillos. This display was choreographed and fired by Pirotecnicos Flores.
' 2 days, 120 crew, 1,200 cues, 10,000 lances, 3 Castillos of 35m height and a main castillo of 50m height.
Lunch time for the crew
View from the playground behind the display.
The 50m high Castillo
That's one big Spanish style single shot rack!
About 6 armed security guards watching the set up.
Pyromusical fired using Pyromate®
Globos Aerostaticos - Hot Air Balloons
Similar to Sky Lanterns, these colourful Hot Air Balloons come in all different shapes and sizes, and even come attached to lances for nighttime! Under the balloon is a knitted ball soaked in camphor.
Here's how it works ..
Here's one at night with lances hanging off! One of these fell back into the audience a minute or so after going up, but it's Mexico, so it's cool!!
Tuesday 21st April Display by Pirotecnia Espectacular Adan Type of Show: Castillo Pyromusical
Location: the Malecon
Mexico Ante El Mundo or Mexico To The World was the title of the show. Amazing Castillos of 3 famous landmarks
Thursday 23rd April Display by Ramsa Pirotecnia Type of Show: Traditional “Castillo” plus Pyromusical
From San Pedro Zumpango, David Silva of Pyro ® Producciones Piromusicales designed and fired this 19 minute show with FIREONE ® equipment. The pyromusical show consisted of a great Castillo with double tower 30m high with set pieces, 3”, 4”, 6” an 8” shells made by the Ramos Family, and bonbettes, candles, mines and comets made by APM Fireworks of Joel Hernandez.
This show was an excellent choreographed display to music with a fantastic set piece with a giant spinning wheel. A horizontal butterfly set piece that takes off!!
Thursday 23rd April Display by Union de Pirotecnicos de San Mateo Tlalchichilpan. Type of Show: Traditional
Photo of the set up:
This was fantastic! Started off as a motionless circle gerb set piece but then the two rotation wheels started!
As this wheel spins, one pattern emerges but after about 20-30 seconds, the pattern changes to another and then back again! The lances are made with a "dark" composition pressed in between one or two colours.
Lots of mini girondolas on top of the Castillo!!
Friday 24th April Display by Fuegos Artificiales Ramos Garcia, Fuegos Artificiales OSRAMS, Fuegos Artificiales Don Beo, Cesar Ramos Delgado, Fuegos Artificiales Monarca Type of Show: Pyromusical
This display was fired at the end of the Closing Gala Dinner on the beach at the Westin Puerto Vallarta. Due to technical problems, the display did not start until 11pm.
That’s Roger Schneider.
Friday 24th April Display by Union Estatal Poblana de la Pirotecnia Yotecatl Type of Show: Traditional “Castillo” plus aerial display
This display was at the Sports Ground, but those that attended the Gala did not see this as the show started promptly at 11pm, as there were about 45,000 locals waiting to see it. This show was presented by the state of Puebla, which is the second region of manufacturing of fireworks in Mexico. The display was accompanied by a live orchestra. We will have to wait for the video from The Fireworks Channel ….
On top of all these firework displays, about 35 papers were presented at this Symposium, over 10 moderated sessions and several workshops.
The tradeshow was very well attended with 24 exhibitors. Both Pirotecnia Adnan and Pirotecnicos de Tultepec had some very popular miniature dummy “toritos” and “castillos” displayed.
Fireone, Galaxis-Showtechnick, Pyrotronix, Infinity Visions/Pyrodigital and Firelinx all displayed their computer programmed firing systems, which are becoming very popular amongst Mexicans, because choreographed firework displays are now becoming as popular as their traditional “Castillos”.